Devlog 01 - Air Supply

Just started

Hi, I thought I better introduce myself and the game; I'm Matheus Goulart, I have been making games for over a decade now, all of which have been either unpublished prototypes or small game jam participations. The game Air Supply is a retro futuristic desk job simulator, where the player is responsable for keeping the air supply of a space colony running, and of course, as the days pass, more and more work keep pilling up on your desk, and you get more problems to solve.

It's been only a week of development, and I made enough progress that I figured it would be a good idea to start showing it. For now, there's only the base air supply mechanic, the choices mechanic, and the dialog mechanic fully implemented.

The mechanics

The air supply mechanic,  which is the first task the player encounters, is pretty simple, and should serve an introduction to the later mechanics the player will encounter, in short, just make sure it doesn't run out and fix any leaks that appear.

The choices mechanic is a bit more involved, every now and then the game will ask a question to the player and depending on the answer, it may affect the colony's systems.

The dialog mechanic is pretty simple, every day your boss will give you a few instructions for the day, this is a way to introduce new mechanics when they appear.

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